India's consumer price inflation rate hit a 68-month high of 7.4 per cent in December 2019 - according to a data released by the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (CPI). This is a cause for concern for the government and general populace, ahead of the upcoming Assembly Elections in Maharashtra and Haryana.
Among individual sectors, inflation was highest in food and beverages at 12.2%, and lowest in fuel and light at 0.7%
Among large states, inflation was highest in Odisha, Telangana, and Uttar Pradesh at 9.4%, 9.4%, and 8.9% respectively. It was lowest in Bihar, Delhi, and Chhattisgarh at 4.1%, 5.2%, and 5.3% respectively. Tap or mouseover on a state in the map below to see inflation rates for it.
Inflation in Odisha moved from 7.2% in November 2019 to 9.4% in December 2019. Over a longer time period, inflation has moved from -0.6% in June 2017 to 9.4% in December 2019.
Inflation is measured by doing year-on-year comparisons of changes in the Consumer Price Index for a particular sub-component or for overall inflation. These indices are created by MOSPI, and reflected changes in prices of a pre-defined and weighted basket of goods.